As Your Parents Age, When Is The Right Time To Get Involved In Their Finances?

May 15, 2017 by Lindsay Bourkoff

For many families, talking about finances is uncomfortable - perhaps even taboo. For parents who have kept the specifics of their wealth private from their adult children, when should greater disclosure begin to occur? When is the right time for an adult child to approach his or her parents about their finances?

Our Thoughts on Recent Market Events

July 10, 2015 by Lindsay Bourkoff

In light of the recent volatility in the markets, the Chinese stock market correction, and the turmoil in Greece, we wanted to convey our current thoughts. Global markets are being tested by macro events right now, but the short-term price volatility in the wake of these events, has little or nothing to do with the intrinsic value of the businesses in which we invest.

Inheriting a Spouse’s IRA

November 18, 2014 by Lindsay Bourkoff

The death of a beloved spouse is often the most painful and emotionally taxing event of a lifetime. Among the nearly limitless emotional, practical, and financial questions it creates, it presents the grieving spouse with a complex choice about inheriting the decedent's retirement plan...

Investment Approach

October 22, 2014 by Zachary Shrier

We’re always delighted when clients ask us about our investment approach. We find the process of investing and the challenge of studying businesses more appealing every year...

Facing Reality Head On

September 4, 2014 by Lindsay Bourkoff

As a teenager, my father would tell me stories about how my grandparents went from riches, to rags, and riches again…